Wednesday, January 09, 2008

OpenEducation: 12 Must-See Education Videos of 2007

The blog has posted its top "must-see" education videos of 2007. You can see them by clicking the title link (above). Here are the topics:

- Research into learning: Babies being able to discern helpful versus oppositional behavior.

- Research into learning: Young children interacting with robots.

- Education yesterday and the challenges of tomorrow.

- A video put together by college students at Kansas State in a video ethnography class. Depending on your perspective, the problem lies with the other group, yet both groups see the problem. The ambiguity makes this video absolutely stunning.

- Some professionals' view of homework.

- A Carnegie-Mellon professor’s last lecture.

- The classroom of yesteryear, a teacher-centered classroom that is anything but engaging.

- A teacher rap.

- A business video called elements of greatness.

- Technology Fear Factor.

- And a little comedy video at the end.

We're pretty sure we'd pick different videos, but since we didn't, we'll point you to their post.

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