Thursday, January 24, 2008

NewTalk: Interesting Ongoing Discussion on Testing

There is a fascinating discussion taking place, Tuesday through today, on the role of student assessment in K-12 education. Click the title link (yeah, the title of this post), which will take you to this discussion at Newtalk.

Important: The discussion starts at the bottom of the webpage and goes up -- the most recent posts are at the top, just like a blog. But you'll want to start at the bottom if you want to follow the discussion.

Here is the list of people doing the discussing:

  • Jean Johnson, Public Agenda, moderator
  • Leo Casey, vice president, Academic High Schools, United Federation of Teachers
  • Janet Corcoran, president, Common Good; former president, PENCIL
  • Chester Finn, Thomas B. Fordham Foundation; senior fellow, Hoover Institute
  • Ryan Hill, Executive Director, TEAM Schools, a Network of KIPP Schools, Newark, N.J.
  • Diane Ravitch, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education and professor, NYU
  • Deb White, teacher, Cody, Wyoming, and founder, Cody Teen Leadership Coalition

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