EdWeek: Six Questions About NCLB's Future
Well, we're back from break (and the crazy couple of days that always happen after breaks), so we'll get back to posting news you can use.
(To tell you the truth, we're all in the office all week, creating new professional development sessions for the Alternative Ed Summer Institute, so it's still pretty crazy.) Nevertheless, we have one blog entry for you. It's from David Hoff's blog at Education Week (Note: Eduwonkette's blog has moved to EdWeek.). He asks 6 questions about NCLB's future. I'll give you the questions, but you'll need to go to his blog to see his answers.
On the 6th anniversary of NCLB's enactment, here are six questions to consider over the next year.
Will the Senate unify around an NCLB bill?
What will Margaret Spellings do?
(Okay, we'll give you his first sentence on this one: In a briefing yesterday, the Secretary of Education said she would make administrative changes to the law if Congress doesn't make legislative ones.)
What will the Detroit judge say [concerning an NCLB lawsuit)?
Will Congress come up with money to satisfy districts complaining about the law?
Will the next NEA president maintain a hard-line stance against NCLB?
How long will the Hollywood writers' strike go on?
(Hoff is kind of cranky about the Boston Legal episode...)
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