What, you don't have enough math manipulatives?
Check out the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives at Utah State University!
There are more than 100 virtual manipulatives that your students can use -- for free (the site was funded through the National Science Foundation). Play around with a few of them -- virtual counting blocks, positive numbers "wiping out" negative numbers, coordinate mapping, lots of geometry and statistical tools, tangrams, tessellations...I could go on, but you should visit it yourself to see.
But wait! There's more!
If you would rather have lesson plans that take advantage of these tools (as well as other tools), click the button for the eNVLM. From that part of the website:
The eNLVM provides easy-to-use teaching tools and resources that promote student understanding of important mathematics. Key aspects of the eNLVM for teachers are:
- Materials are and always will be freely available online.
- Lessons utilize interactive math-rich software that students find motivating.
- Lessons target identified national and state standards.
- Materials include lesson plans for teachers.
- Materials can be used as part of presentations or with students working on computers.
- Lessons are field tested in classrooms and revised based on gathered data.
- Online student activities, delivery system, and teacher tools are easy to use.
- Lessons utilize interactive applets from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (http://nlvm.usu.edu).
- Teacher tools allow teachers to easily view student performance.
- Teachers can easily adapt materials as needed.
- Teachers can include and contextualize any resource on the web.
- Developers will work with teachers to tailor materials to their needs.
As a publicly available website, the eNLVM may be used by any teacher without explicit consent or communication with project developers. However, we welcome teachers who are willing to conduct field tests to gather data to evaluate and improve eNLVM materials.
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