Tuesday, February 20, 2007

School Uniforms: There Is No Free Lunch

The basic argument for adopting school uniforms is that merely a change of clothes will bring about desired behavioral and academic student outcomes. That a uniform transforms individuals appears to be at the heart of the argument. But, does just wearing a uniform bring about changes in behavior?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to a girls school from grades 7-12, and we wore uniforms. I loathed the shapeless, hideous uniforms that we wore. When I was made principal of Northeast Academy (with the Oklahoma City Public Schools), I was disappointed to learn that the school had a uniform policy that I had to enforce. I had to hassle kids all day long about tucking in shirts, colors that were accepted (and those that were not); I hated it. The teachers always wanted a stricter policing, and the students wanted less policing. I felt like I spent way too much time on such a simple project.

Then, I became principal at my wonderful elementary school. Guess what? Uniforms... again!

But this has been different. The uniform guidelines are loser. Most of the kids are compliant, and I don't mind it so much. In fact, it works pretty well. Of course, 99% of my kids are on free/reduced lunch; so most parents seem to be pleased that we don't have "bling bling" to contend with.

However, if we get down to the bottom line... which should be about educating the children (our major goal)... what does a uniform have to do with that anyway?

The teachers like it. The parents like it. So, I guess we'll stick with it.