Friday, October 06, 2006

Chairman says NCLB Reauthorization will go quickly

From Education Week on the web -- Here's the beginning of the article. Click the link to read more. Also check out this article on the "independent" panel

The chairman of the House education committee says he wants to revisit the No Child Left Behind Act on schedule next year and make it a bipartisan effort. He’s so serious, in fact, that he may be willing to jettison an idea popular among his fellow Republicans.

At a panel discussion last month, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, R-Calif., said he plans to push forward with the NCLB reauthorization on schedule, going against the conventional wisdom that his committee will be too busy with other education bills to take on the main K-12 law.

“We’re planning on moving quickly,” Rep. McKeon, who became chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee earlier this year. “My goal is to get it out next year before we get too far into the presidential election.”

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