Wednesday, September 27, 2006

NCLB: If Democrats Take House or Senate, Uncertainty Ahead

The lead article in today's web version of Education Week is a long article by Alyson Klein on what leading Democrats have to say about how they would (or would not) change NCLB. It's well worth the read.

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Here's the lead paragraph and one other. (I'm hoping that I stay within the copyright law!)

The two top Democratic lawmakers on education policy have signaled that if their party regains control of one or both houses of Congress in November, they will seek to retain the core accountability features of the federal No Child Left Behind Act.


The two, who were among the architects of the bipartisan law five years ago, have continued to champion its central provisions in the face of vocal opposition. A big question is whether rank-and-file Democrats, as well as some senior members who would likely assume other key education posts in a Democratic takeover, share Sen. Kennedy’s and Rep. Miller’s commitment to keeping the law largely intact.

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