Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Decision Time: To Blog, or Not To Blog.

We've neglected our news blog over the summer. Now, it's fall and school is starting up.

Like everyone else in the world, we have a lot to do. If we have a lot of readers who use this blog to keep up with news that affects alternative education and at-risk students in Oklahoma, we'll keep the blog going. If not, this is something we can give up.

Let us know if you want the blog to get going again.


Anonymous said...

Yes, by all means... keep it going!

OTAC said...

Thanks, Dr. Jan.

I clicked the hyperlink and found your blog! We'll put a link on the left side of our page here...just as soon as I remember how to do it....

OTAC said...

OK! It wasn't very hard to do. I've got your blog on our sidebar.

What IS hard for people is remembering to refresh each of these pages manually. I wonder if it's only in Firefox that I have to do that?

Even the Comments fail to update themselves on reload. It brings up the cached version every time.....

OTAC said...

OK! It wasn't very hard to do. I've got your blog on our sidebar.

What IS hard for people is remembering to refresh each of these pages manually. I wonder if it's only in Firefox that I have to do that?

Even the Comments fail to update themselves on reload. It brings up the cached version every time.....